
Preparing the balloon to fly

Preparing the balloon to fly

These steps also serve to concentrate and visualize the balloon flight.

The balloon flight is different every day, we never land in the same place or pass exactly the same corners of the territory. However, there is one thing that is always the same: the preparation of the balloon.

The 15 steps to follow

Early in the morning, before the sun rises, the pilot and his team are already at the take-off site. Pilots like to get to the takeoff area early, check the weather, release a helium balloon to see the wind direction, etc.
Once the weather conditions have been checked, the hot air balloon ritual begins.

1) Place the car and trailer right where you want the hot air balloon to take off.

2) Assemble the balloon burner

3) Lower the trailer basket and remove the fan (which will be used to inflate the balloon sail with cold air).

4) Knock the basket down.

5) Place the fan in a strategic place so that the air goes directly into the sail.

6) Attach the candle to the burner and the basket.

7) The sail is spread on the ground with the help of the car (The sail can weigh about 250kg or more).

8) The car is tied to the balloon as a safety measure.

9) The crown rope is pulled, the rope that the assistant pulls when the pilot is lifting the balloon, so that it stands upright in a controlled manner.

10) The fan is turned on to inflate the candle.

11) It closes the parachute, a part of the balloon that helps control when it descends and ascends during flight.

12) Once the sail is inflated with cold air, the pilot heats this air with the burner, causing the sail to stand up.

13) Passengers access the balloon, easy because we have accessible balloons with a door.

14) The pilot checks the flight instruments and briefs the passengers.

15) Detach the balloon from the car and go out to enjoy one of the best experiences in the world: flying in a balloon!

In the following video you can see most of the steps to follow to prepare the hot air balloon.

Can everyone fly?

This is a safe activity that takes place with peace of mind.
People of all ages have flown with us. However, we always ask for common sense. The only limitation is that pregnant women cannot fly.

Is it cold during the flight?

Even if it seems the opposite, that because of the height it will be colder, it is not true. Dress appropriately for the ambient temperature. We always recommend comfortable clothing, since the activity is practiced in the field, wear good shoes and do not wear high-heeled shoes or flip-flops.

What will the route be like and where will we land?

The path will be marked by the wind, because the hot air balloon cannot be steered. Despite not having control over the direction, the balloon can rise and fall and in this way find those air currents that guide us in a good direction and a good place to land. Therefore, the altitude and flight duration conditions will be determined by the wind.


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